Dead Pool 30th June 2013


From televisual archeologists and ‘chop-socky’ actors to celebrity photographers, this week is a rather muted affair. People you either knew well or have no idea who they are, which I suppose is usually the case. Again no points scored and sadly little news to report upon. However, there will be an upcoming opportunity for a guest writer or two as I will be working away for a couple of weeks, so if you are interested in taking over the Dead Pool for a weekend, please let me know. I think this would be a great chance to refresh my dull and boring ideas and perhaps get some more proactive involvement from the rest of you 😉

Look who you could have had:

In other news

images-1Without doubt you have all heard that Nelson Mandela is critically ill, I doubt very much he will be recovering from this unfortunate relapse. An interesting fact is that he will score an astounding 1328 points in total should he pass away this year, with so many of you having him on your lists. You Ghouls! Some of you may have seen that the cunt that is called David Cameron was indicted in a Facebook viral that accused him of being a part of The Federation of Conservative Students that advocated that Mandela should have been hanged, sadly there is no evidence, although rumour is enough if you ask me. However John Berkow is a documented member of that society, make of that what you will. Just remember that Thatcher was a staunch supporter of apartheid and she is undoubtedly what Cameron wanks over most evenings, perish the thought!

originalJackie Chan is the latest death hoax survivor, most social media outlets reported him dead last week, which was as much of a surprise to him as anyone else! He even went as far as to publish a photo of himself with the daily newspaper to alleviate his fans fears. I should remind you that Jackie is truly as tough as they come, he has survived all the ridiculous stunts he’s attempted and would most likely best Chuck Norris in a duel, I doubt a guy like him would succumb to death that easily, in fact I’d expect to see ‘Jackie Chops the Grim Reaper’ in cinemas soon.

Birthdays for the last week as follows: George Michael (50), he made it! Karen Jenkins (33), Mel Brooks (87), Kathy Bates (65), John Cusack (47), Ricky Gervais (52), Toby Maguire (38), Francis McDormand (56), Selma Blair (41), Gary Busey (69), Mick Feetwood (66), Carly Simon (68), J.J. Abrams (47) and Chris Isaak (57).

2013 League Table


Next Week peeps!

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